Red flags in Vastu Shastra that you should look out for!

Owning a home these days in a prime location, with all the modern amenities and at a price you desire, is the rarest combination where you get to tick off all the boxes. You have to compromise on many things to get what you want. If the location is great, the project either exceeds your budget and if you’re looking for a home within your budget, you have to give up on the modern amenities and location. Well, there’s one more important thing that we tend to miss out on and that’s Vastu Shastra. To many, this is more of a religious prerequisite for a certain community than a practical requirement. Nevertheless, those who still give due importance to Vastu Shastra, are inclined to believe it blindly. This article talks about the red flags that one should be looking for while buying a home, because not every ‘Vastu-compliant’ home, gives out all of the details. Before we actually jump onto the things that you should be avoiding in Vastu, let’s first understand why Vastu is important in the first place.

Vastu & its significant place in our homes!

Regardless of the religion, you belong to, Vastu certainly plays a significant role while choosing a home. Indian homes are predominantly designed and planned with a Pooja Room or a place for worship. While there may be some traditional factors associated with it, there are scientific reasons why a Pooja Room or a place of worship has to be in a particular position in a home. It is said that all the negative energy is warded off by the inclusion of such a place and it’s true in most cases. Therefore, here are a few reasons why Vastu should really be considered:

  • It harmonizes nature’s energy
  • It welcomes monetary blessings
  • It brings prosperity to your home
  • It keeps your relationships stronger
  • There’s happiness in the house

Now that you know why Vastu is important, let’s look at the red flags or the common mistakes that people commit while choosing a home.

Red Flags in Vastu Shastra

So, this might seem like a trivial thing. One wrong position of a room or an item in the house cannot change anything in a major way. Here’s a fun fact: it does, drastically change. Have a look at some of the faults in Vastu Shastra that you should rectify or avoid:

Furniture placed in the wrong direction: This might feel like a thing of space availability. In most Indian homes, we place our furniture, not according to Vastu, but as per the space availability. This is one of the common mistakes that we should avoid, because it not only hampers the aesthetics of the house, it also might affect the energy in the home.

Inappropriate colours including that of the flooring: While the colour of the home is one of the most important aspects of a home, one wrong choice can deteriorate the entire aesthetics. This is something that cannot be done over and over again as it is a costly affair. Therefore, this is one thing that has to be thought through very carefully.

Cooking direction: While the kitchen is supposedly the most popular room, ensuring that the direction of the kitchen is right is quite crucial. You wouldn’t want to be entering the kitchen and smelling the strong detergents kept in the bathroom. The olfactory sense plays quite an important role in regulating the appetite and having the kitchen in the wrong direction can also cause some serious health problems.

The direction of toilet basins: Similar to what was mentioned for the kitchen, the placement of toilet basins also plays an important role. The position has to be ideal enough to not obstruct the aesthetics of the house.

The incorrect direction of the puja room: Considerably one of the most important factors for those who believe in the religious aspect of having a Pooja Room, having the place of worship in the wrong direction can make way for negative energy into your home and cause some serious imbalance in the lives of the residents living there. Also, the direction of Pooja Room is always important because ideally, you wouldn’t want to be disturbed by a cricket match or a movie while you are praying.

At Kanchan Developers, we believe that it is our duty to inform our customers about all the positive and negative aspects that they should be looking out while buying a home. It’s not just as developers, but also as fellow beings who care for one another as family, we make sure that you always take an informed decision while buying a home and such a big decision should always be a wise one. If you wish to know more about who we are or what we do, visit