Need to upgrade to a spacious home!

We are constantly torn between choosing what’s right for us and what we love, and that has often taken a toll on our physical and mental health. When we do not get what we like, we tend to stress about those things. We end up regretting the decisions we made and eventually our health and financial health go for a toss. So, how do we avoid all that? The answer is not simple, but it has a solution. If you look at those challenges, they are all confined by space. Be it physical or mental, space is ultimately what we need the most. When we apply the same thought to our homes, owning a spacious home is a luxury that not everybody can afford, quite literally. Nevertheless, the need is prevalent and so is the demand for spacious homes. In this article, we would talk about how this need for owning a spacious home is driving the real estate market across the country and the world.

There’s always more room for improvement

Going by the most clichéd thought, an extra space makes room for us to include something more that we always wanted. For instance, an extra room can be for us to set up a library where we stack up the old books that we’ve treasured for so long. If you are an artist, the space can be used as an art studio where you can create some of the most fascinating pieces of art; you can compose your original soundtrack, your Magnum Opus or even write a story.

Considering the current situation, the extra space can very well be your Work From Home space (which is in high demand nowadays), or it can be a study room or a classroom for your kids.

The ventilation is a blessing

Spacious homes have one good thing. There’s plenty of light & ventilation because of the well-planned layouts. Some of the developers present that as an advantage and that is a necessary thing for most homebuyers. When there’s plenty of air and sunlight, our mood is naturally enhanced and that directly impacts our performance at work and our wellbeing.

If there are kids at home, the spacious rooms would be a blessing in disguise. The parents, even today, are health-conscious about their kids with the pandemic still playing dirty games in the playground.

You strike a perfect work-life balance

As mentioned earlier, having a spacious home can make room for you to carry out all your professional and personal activities in a mutually exclusive manner. The pandemic has surely transformed the way we live within the four walls, but it has also given us an opportunity to fill our homes with positivity (not positive cases though) and positive vibes. The zone of chill and calm is where you are when you are living in a spacious home.

Privacy is all you get

Homes, where the entire family lives and sleeps in a single room, are a passé. Today, the kids get a separate room, the parents get a separate room and so do the grandparents. So, in the absence of either one of them, the room still has a dedicated purpose and that’s ‘privacy’. If you own a spacious home, privacy is guaranteed.

At Kanchan Developers, we are proud to have built homes that are spacious enough for you and your family to experience the perfect work-life balance and privacy at its best. The 2 & 3 BHK upscale residences at Osian One & Only are crafted for the privileged few like you so that you get to live in a spacious apartment that has everything you need around you. Also, the 4.5 & 5 BHK customizable homes are the perfect example of how owning the extra space can give you the best of luxury that you deserve. If you wish to know more about our project, visit